Marina's Bibliography

Posted on Jul 16, 2024

Marina’s writing, talks and non-academic works are preserved on Memory of the World (MOTW). The collection can be accessed at . Below you will find a bibliography of everything that has been added to the collection thus far. To make the discovery on MOTW easier, you can view segments of her work by clicking on subheadings (books, articles, book chapters, edited volumes and various). Where the original articles are available online, we have also included links to their original publications, but the PDFs are preserved on MOTW.

Books ↪

Vishmidt, Marina. 2018. Speculation as a Mode of Production: Forms of Value Subjectivity in Art and Capital. Brill.

Stakemeier, Kerstin, and Marina Vishmidt. 2016. Reproducing Autonomy: Work, Money, Crisis and Contemporary Art. Mute Publishing.

Articles ↪

Vishmidt, Marina and Danny Hayward. 2024. “Materialities Shaped by Divisions”. Arts of the Working Class 32: 30-31.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2024. “Wealth Management, Critical and Clinical”. Selva: A Journal of the History of Art 5: 199-203.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2024. “Hyperreal Abstraction” . Mediations 36, 1.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2024. “On Some Conditions.” FKW // Zeitschrift Für Geschlechterforschung und visuelle Kultur 73 (January):34–43.

Lütticken, Sven, and Marina Vishmidt. 2024. “Généalogies de l’autonomie: Une conversation entre Sven Lütticken et Marina Vishmidt.” Perspective 1.

Fontaine, Claire and Marina Vishmidt. 2024. “We Can Refuse to Abdicate in a Number of Ways: Claire Fontaine in Conversation with Marina Vishmidt.” Mousse Magazine, April.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2023. “Nothing to See Here: On the Bracketing of the Spectator in a Hyperrelational Exhibition.” Grey Room 92 (July), 117–23.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2023. “On Conditions.” Halle für Kunst – Steiermark. November 17, 2023.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2022. “Between Equal Rights: Representing Class and Other Struggles in the Image Field.” Oxford Art Journal 45 (2): 307–23.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2022. “Basement Jazz. Dora Budor” . Mousse Magazine. 28 September.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2022. “Breathing and Breaking. Georgia Sagri’s IASI.” Afterall, August.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2022. “Review of Marianne Wex, ‘Let’s Take Back Our Space’: ‘Female’ and ‘Male’ Body Language as a Result of Patriarchal Structures.” Camera Austria 159, August, 85.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2022. “Security Theatre: On Pilvi Takala’s Close Watch”. Camera Austria 158, July, 19-28.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2022. “Review of Sophie Cras, The Artist as Economist: Art and Capitalism in the 1960s.” CAA.Review, January.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2021. “‘Only as Self-Relating Negativity’: Infrastructure and Critique.” Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts 13 (3): 13–24.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2021. “Post-Reality Markets and Structured Financial Time Products.” Making & Breaking, no. 2 (May).

Vishmidt, Marina. 2021. “Finanzielle Unabhängigkeit: Der Wert und die Verrohten Subjekte der Kulturindustrien.” IG Bildnende Kunst: Bildpunkt 59 (Der Wert der Kunst).

Lezra, Jacques, José María Durán, Nico Baumbach, Steven Marsh, Alberto Toscano, Marina Vishmidt, and Genevieve Yue. 2021. “Art and Class Struggle.” ARTMargins 10 (3): 97–125.

Vishmidt, Marina and Andreas Petrossiants 2020. “Spaces of Speculation: Movement Politics in the Infrastructure: Interview by Andreas Petrossiants” Historical Materialism, November.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2020. “Response to Nicholas Brown’s Autonomy: The Social Ontology of Art Under Capitalism.” Nonsite, no. 32 (September).

Vishmidt, Marina. 2020. “The Aesthetic Subject and the Politics of Speculative Labor.” OnCurating, no. 48 (September), 66–79.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2020. “Sedimented Forms: Coming Back to Autonomy.” CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture 22 (3): 7.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2020. “Bodies in Space: On the Ends of Vulnerability.” Radical Philosophy 2 (08): 33–46.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2020. “Cameron Rowland.” Artforum. April 1, 2020.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2020. “Preview: Cameron Rowland.” Artforum. January 1, 2020.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2019. “Arte, Tecnologia e Repetição.” PORTO ARTE: Revista De Artes Visuais (Qualis A2) 24 (40).

Vishmidt, Marina. 2019. “Books: Best of 2019 – Anne Boyer – The Undying.” Artforum (blog). December 1, 2019.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2019. “The Hard Labour of Speculation: Shaping a Reflection on Methods.” MaHKUscript. Journal of Fine Art Research 3 (1).

Gogarty, Larne Abse, Angela Dimitrakaki, and Marina Vishmidt. 2019. “Anti-Fascist Art Theory: A Roundtable Discussion.” Third Text 33 (3): 449–65.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2018. “Anomaly and Autonomy: On the Currency of the Exception in the Value Relations of Contemporary Art.” Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte 81 (4): 588–600.

Esanu, Octavian, Dave Beech, Sami Khatib, John Roberts, and Marina Vishmidt. 2018. “Realism Today?” ARTMargins 7 (1): 58–82.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2017. “The Two Reproductions in (Feminist) Art and Theory since the 1970s.” Third Text 31 (1): 49–66.

Vishmidt, Marina, and Anthony Iles. 2017. “Plastic Givens, Hard Stops: A Short Overview of Forms and Forces of Negation in Recent and Historical Art.” Continent 6 (2): 18–28.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2016. “The Paradox of Self-Abolition”. May 10 (16): 25-45.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2016. “The Coming Materialism” . Springerin, 1.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2015. “Etherized.” Radical Philosophy, no. 190 (April).

Vishmidt, Marina. 2015. “Productive Bodies: A Review Essay.” Australian Feminist Studies 30 (85): 304–8.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2015. “Struggle Is Primary: Review Essay.” Journal of Cultural Economy 8 (3): 388–97.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2015. “The Politics of Speculative Labour.” Transformative Art Production.

Gilligan, Melanie, and Marina Vishmidt. 2015. “‘The Property-Less Sensorium’: Following the Subject in Crisis Times.” South Atlantic Quarterly 114 (3): 611–30.

Meunier, Karolin, and Marina Vishmidt. 2015. “»Deine Ohren werden zittern« – Futuristische Mikrokosmen / “Your ears will tremble” – Futuristic Microcosms.” Camera Austria 131/2015: 71-72.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2014. “A Heteroclite Excursus into the Currency That Lives.” Open! Platform for Art, Culture & the Public Domain, July. .

Vishmidt, Marina. 2014. “All Shall Be Unicorns: About Commons, Aesthetics and Time.” Open! Platform for Art, Culture & the Public Domain, September.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2014. “Artists at Work: Maryam Jafri.” Afterall, no. 18.

Vishmidt, Marina, and Melissa Gordon. 2014. “Drop-Outs: Slackers, Sociopaths and Social Workers.” Persona 2:64–70.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2013. “‘Mimesis of the Hardened and Alienated’: Social Practice as Business Model.” E-Flux Journal 46, March.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2013. “Permanent Reproductive Crisis: An Interview with Silvia Federici.” Mute, March.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2012. “Everyone Has a Business Inside Them.” Mute 3 (3).

Stakemeier, Kerstin, and Marina Vishmidt. 2012. “The Value of Autonomy.” Texte zur Kunst 22 (88): 102–17.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2011. “Human Capital or Toxic Asset: After the Wage.” Mute, January.

Vishmidt, Marina, and Neil Gray. 2011. “The Economy of Abolition/Abolition of the Economy – Interview.” Variant 42:7–11.

Iles, Anthony, and Marina Vishmidt. 2011. “Make Whichever You Find Work.” Variant 41:54–59.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2010. “Creation Myth.” Mute, July.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2010. “The Manageable Softness of the Solid Wine and its Solar Radiance,” Essay published in the context of the The Cell That Doesn’t Believe In The Mind That It’s Part Of exhibition at Marres/Centrum voor Contemporaine Cultuur Maastricht.

Berlant, Laruen, Gesa Helms, and Marina Vishmidt. 2010. “Affect & the Politics of Austerity: An Interview Exchange with Lauren Berlant.” Variant: 39–40:3–6.

Vishmidt, Marina, Ian Boal, and Evan Calder Williams. 2010. “‘We Have Decided Not to Die.’ On Taking and Leaving the University.” Variant: 37–38.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2009. [“End Days on the Astral Plane: A Dialogue on the Crisis of Value, Some Aspects of Form, and Matters Spiritual, Traversing the Invisible Threads between Work and Clairvoyance, Not to Mention Personal Redemption on the Eve of the Collapse of the Purported Lifeworld. (In Tribute to the Pioneering Researches by Olivia Plender, cf. Key to the Summerland, TINA).”] A Prior, edited by Olivia Plender, Kim Einarsson and Anna Colin: 111-117.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2008. “Situation Wanted: Something about Labour.” Afterall: A Journal of Art, Context and Enquiry 19 (October):20–34.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2008. “The Cultural Logic of Criticality.” Journal of Visual Art Practice 7 (3): 253–69.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2007. “All the Virgin Eyes of the World Are Made of Glass.” Chto Delat? (What Is to Be Done?). A Newspaper for Engaged Creativity. Special issue: Becoming a Mother.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2007. “The Dutch Are Weeping in Four Universal Pictorial Languages At Least.” Mute, May.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2006. “Maybe the People Would Be the Times.” Mute, January.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2006. “The Auto-Destructive Community: The Torsion of the Common in Local Sites of Antagonism.” Ephemera – Theory & Politics in Organization 6 (4).

Vishmidt, Marina. 2006. “Lights, Camera, Now-Time! Polly II: Plan for a Revolution in Docklands.” Untitled Magazine 39 (Autumn).

Vishmidt, Marina. 2006. “Panacea Superspa”. Untitled Magazine 38 (Summer)

Vishmidt, Marina. 2005. “Precarious Straits.” Mute 1 (29).

Vishmidt, Marina. 2005. “Enjoy Your System!” Mute, September.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2004. [“Time Keeps on Slipping (Some Recently Projected Videotapes by Alexander Kluge)] ( .” Mute, July.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2004. “Jeanette Iljon.” Lux Online.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2004. “Text on Lewis Klahr.” Lux Online.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2003. “Bred and Born (1983).” BFI Screen Online. 2003.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2003. “Minima Cartographia or The Patient Becomes the Agent.” Mute.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2002. “Pack to the Future.” Mute 1 (24).

Vishmidt, Marina. 2001. “Can You Bear It?” Mute 1 (10).

Book chapters ↪

Vishmidt, Marina. 2024. “A Future Everyone Can Get Behind.” In Aesthetic Protest Cultures: After the Avant-Garde, edited by Mikkel Bolt Rasmussen, 100-121. Minor Compositions.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2024. “Core Absence.” In Abstraction and Economy: Myths of Growth, edited by Jenni Tischer and Eva Maria Stadler, 231–44. Edition Angewandte. De Gruyter.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2024. “Limits to Growth.” In Nicholas Mangan. A World Undone. Edited by Anneke Jaspers and Anna Davis, 28-33. Lenz Press/Museum of Contemporary Art Australia.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2023. “Corporeal and abstract: Is there a ’left biopolitics’ of bodies?”. In The Body Productive: Rethinking Capitalism, Work and the Body. Edited by Steffan Blayney, Joey Hornsby and Savannah Whaley. Bloomsbury Academic.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2023. “Ouroboric Holidays with Erica Scourti”. In Erica Scourti. Profiles of you, 37-41. EMST exhibition catalogue.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2023. “Art, Value, Subjects, Resons. Some Aspects of Speculation as Production.” In: Aesthetics of Equivalence, edited by Simon Baier and Markus Klammer, 111-128. August Verlag.

Vishmidt, Marina, Anthony Iles, and Luisa Lorenza Corna. 2023. “How Things Continue.” In A Lungomare Reader: 16 Dialogues about Sheep, Black Holes, and Movement, edited by Angelika Burtscher and Daniele Lupo, 181–96. Spector Books.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2022. “Unionism, Diversity of Tactics, Ceaseless Struggle.” In Paths to Autonomy, edited by Noah Brehmer and Vaida Stepanovaite. Minor Compositions.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2022. “(Un)Making Value: Reading Social Reproduction through the Question of Totality.” In Totality Inside Out: Rethinking Crisis and Conflict under Capital, edited by Kevin Floyd, Jen Hedler Phillis, and Sarika Chandra, 67–90. Fordham University Press.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2022. “Why Must You Reduce Everything to Money?” In Autoreduction, edited by Dora Budor. Mousse Publishing.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2021. “Glossary of Key Terms: Money.” In Understanding Marx, Understanding Modernism, edited by Mark Stevens, 204–7. Bloomsbury Academic.

Cuomo, Raphaël, Maria Iorio, Wendelien van Oldenborgh & Marina Vismidt. 2021. “Documentary – Disjunction. A conversation between Raphaël Cuomo, Maria Iorio, Wendelien van Oldenborgh and Marina Vismidt about the films THE INTERPRETER and NO FALSE ECHOES.” In Sichtbarkeiten 4: Praktiken visuellen Denkens, edited by Mira Fliescher, Mira, Fabian Goppelsröder & Dieter Mersch, 365-388. Diaphanes.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2020. “Accumulating Futures.” In Futurity Report, Vol. 1, edited by Eric C.H. de Bryn and Sven Lütticken, 89–103. Sternberg Press, MIT Press.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2020. “Mediation.” In Keywords for Marxist Art History Today, edited by Abse Gogarty Larne and Andrew Hemingway, 87–96. 21 V & R Unipress.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2020. “Relateable Alienation: The Logic and History of an Idea.” In What the Fire Sees: A Divided Reader, edited by Eleanor Ivory Weber and Camilla Wills, 81–92. Divided Publishing.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2020. “New Ruins.” In byond repair, edited by Natascha Sadr Haghighian and Ernest Ah. Berlin: Archive Books.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2020. “Möglichkeit einer spekulativen Produktionsweise.” Das Ӓsthetisch-Spekulative, edited by Kathrin Busch, Georg Dickmann, Maja Figge, Felix Laubscher, 258-277. Wilhelm Fink and Brill.

Vishmidt, Marina, and Anthony Iles. 2020. “Arte Futile: The Gift That Is No-One’s to Give and Which No-One Wants to Receive.” In Trouble with Value: Art and Its Modes of Valuation, edited by Chris Dittel. Onomatopee.

Vishmidt, Marina, and Zoe Sutherland. 2020. “Social Reproduction: New Questions for the Gender, Affect, and Substance of Value.” In The New Feminist Literary Studies, edited by Jennifer Cooke, 143–54. Cambridge University Press.

Gilligan, Melanie, and Marina Vishmidt. 2020. “A Conversation: Melanie Gilligan and Marina Vishmidt.” In Not Working - Reader, edited by Maurin Dietrich and Gloria Hasnay, 18–39. Kunstverein München e.V., Archive Books.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2019. “Speculation in a Sense: Aesthetics and Real Abstraction.” In In the Mind, but Not from There: Real Abstraction and Contemporary Art, edited by Gean Moreno. Verso.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2018. “Art, Technology, and Repetition.” In The SAGE Handbook of Frankfurt School Critical Theory, edited by Beverly Best, Werner Bonefeld, and Chris O’Kane, 1102–18. SAGE Publications.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2017. “The Humorous Dimension of Time.” In Mobile Cinema, edited by Romana Schmalisch, 65-69. Archive Books.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2017. “Beneath the Atelier, the Desert: Critique, Institutional and Infrastructural.” In Marion von Osten: Once We Were Artists (A BAK Critical Reader in Artists’ Practice), edited by Tom Holert and Maria Hlavajova, Valiz with BAK, Institute for the contemporary.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2017. “Between Not Everything and Not Nothing: Cuts Towards Infrastructural Critique.” In Former West: Art and the Contemporary After 1989, edited by Maria Hlavajova and Simon Sheikh, 265–69. MIT Press.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2017. “Management and Maintenance.” In Look at Hazards, Look at Losses, edited by, Anthony Iles, and Marina Vishmidt. Mute Publishing.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2016. “Feeling Things: Or, What Would Be Some Contemporary Pathos-Forms?” In A Solid Injury to the Knees, edited by Maya Tounta. Rupert.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2016. “‘Wages for Anyone Is Bad For Business’: A Story of Non-Equivalence and the General Economy”. Catalogue essay in Joshua Schwebel – Subsidy, 34-42. Archive Books.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2016. “Oči svih devica na svetu napravljene su od stakla.” In Postajanje majkom u vreme neoliberalnog kapitalizma, edited by Ana Vilenica, 333–38. uz)bu))na))).

Vishmidt, Marina. 2015. “Known Nowheres: Some Short Thoughts on Going Beyond”. In Utopian Pulse: Flares in the Darkroom, edited by Ines Doujak and Oliver Ressler. Pluto Press.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2015. “The Aesthetic Subject and the Politics of Speculative Labor.” In The Routledge Companion to Art and Politics, edited by Randy Martin, 25–36. Routledge.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2015. “Indifferent Agent: Speculation as a Mode of Production in Art and Capital.” In ECONOMY: Art, Production and the Subject in the Twenty-First Century, edited by Angela Dimitrakaki and Kirsten Lloyd. Liverpool University Press.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2015. “Notes on Speculation as a Mode of Production in Art and Capital.” In Joy Forever: The Political Economy of Social Creativity, edited by Michal Kozłowski, Agnieszka Kurant, Jan Sowa, and Kuba Szreder, 47–62. MayFly Books.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2015. “Plan for an Activity in Mind.” In Anguish Language: Writing and Crisis, edited by John Cunningham, Anthony Iles, Mira Mattar, and Marina Vishmidt, 217–24. Archive Books.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2015. “Stupor, or, Affect at a Standstill.” In Arts against Cuts, edited by Bad Feelings, 185–86. Book Works.

Gordon, Melissa, and Marina Vishmidt. 2015. In Politics of Study, edited by Sidsel Meineche Hansen & Tom Vandeputte, 103-12. Open Editions/Funen Art Academy.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2015. “Fable of the Bacteria”. In Allegory of the Cave Painting, edited by Mihnea Mircan & Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei. Mousse Publishing.

Vishmidt, Marina & Laurel Ptak. 2013. “Abstraction and the Currency of the Social: Marina Vishmidt in conversation with Laurel Ptak.” In Undoing Property?, edited by Marysia Lewandowska & Laurel Ptak, 159-169. Sternberg Press.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2013. “Holding a Position / Tenir Une Position.” In Notes sur les mouvements, edited by Ève Chabanon, Clara Gensburger, and Mathilde Villeneuve, 14–20. Les Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers.

Gilligan, Melanie, and Marina Vishmidt. 2013. “Economic Subjectivities and Crisis.” In and Materials and Money and Crisis, edited by Richard Birkett and Sam Lewitt, 95–104. Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2012. “Working Artists in the Greater Economy.” In Labour 1:14-21. Archive Books.

Iles, Anthony, and Marina Vishmidt. 2012. “Work, Work Your Thoughts, and Therein See a Siege.” In Communization and Its Discontents: Contestation, Critique, and Contemporary Struggles, edited by Benjamin Noys, 131–51. Minor Compositions.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2012. “Kontrapolis; ili ograđivanje, zajedničko dobro i kreativnost u gradovima.” In Na ruševinama kreativnog grada, edited by and Ana Vilenica, 295–310.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2011. “Counter(Re-)Productive Labour.” In We Have Our Own Concept of Time and Motion, edited by Auto Italia South East. Auto Italia.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2010. “‘To Die and Leave Silk for Capital’: Abstract Labour, Art and Reproduction.” In Post-Fordism and Its Discontents, edited by Gal Kirn, 305–22. Workers’-Punks’ University, Peace Institute, Jan van Eyck Academie, b_books.

Iles, Anthony, and Marina Vishmidt. 2010. “Uposli sve što ti dođe pod ruku.” In Umetnik/ca u (ne)radu, edited by Branka Ćurčić, Kristian Lukić, Gordana Nikolić, and Zoran Pantelić, 37–60., Muzej savremene umetnosti Vojvodine.

Krauss, Annette, Emily Pethick, and Marina Vishmidt. 2010. “Spaces of Unexpected Larning 2.” In Curating and the Educational Turn, edited by Paul O’Neill and Mick Wilson, 250–61. Open Editions.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2007. ‘Line Describing A Curb Asymptotes about VALIE EXPORT, the New Urbanism and Contemporary Art’ in The Art and Social Change Reader, edited by Will Bradley and Charles Esche, 447-460. Tate Publishing.

Edited volumes ↪

Vishmidt, Marina, ed. 2023. Speculation. The Whitechapel Gallery: Documents of Contemporary Art. MIT Press.

Cunningham, John, Anthony Iles, Mira Mattar, and Marina Vishmidt, eds. 2017. Anguish Language: Writing and Crisis. Archive Books.

Iles, Anthony, and Marina Vishmidt, eds. 2017. Look at Hazards, Look at Losses. Mute,

Gordon, Melissa, and Marina Vishmidt, eds. 2014. Persona 2. Archive Books.

Gordon, Melissa, and Marina Vishmidt, eds. 2012. Labour 1. Archive Books.

Vishmidt, Marina, Daniel van der Velden, and Metahaven, eds. 2010. Uncorporate Identity. Peribo.

Vishmidt, Marina, ed. 2006. Media Mutandis: A NODE.London Reader - A Survey of Media Arts, Technologies and Politics. NODE.London.

Vishmidt, Marina and Melanie Gilligan, eds. 2004. Immaterial Labour: Work, Research and Art. De- Dis- Ex Volume 5. London: Black Dog Press.

Various ↪

Vishmidt, Marina, and Danny Hayward. 2018. “Self-Dissolution to the left of me, self-dissolution to the right: A political glossary of self-overcomings”. Pamphlet containing an exchange initially presented at AdBK Nürnberg.

Marina Vishmidt. 2018. “Resilience, or…” . Commissioned by Let’s Get Together and Call Ourselves an Institute, Chapter Thirteen.

Vishmidt, Marina, and Lisa Jeschke. 2017. “Work Breaks Us, We Break Work: A Correspondence Between Marina Vishmidt and Lisa Jeschke”. In 365 Days of Invisible Work. Edited by Werker Collective and Casco. Leipzig: Spector Books.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2015. “Policy People Symposium: (A Reading).” Talk presented at the Policy People Symposium, W139 – Amsterdam. March 28, 2015.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2015. “A Short Introduction to Reproductive Realism”. Talk given at the launch for Materials special issue “Economic Ophelia”. Friday 6th February 2015.

anonymous and Marina Vishmidt. 2015. Of Human Bondage.

Vishmidt, Marina and Danny Hayward. 2013. “Feeling Invested.” Talk accompnying screening of Three Women (1977), Bureau Publik, Copenhagen. 28 February.

Jakob Jakobsen et al. 2013. Antiknow Research Reports No. 1-7. Flat Time House.

Vishmidt, Marina. 2012. “Speculation as a Mode of Production in Art and Capital.” PhD Thesis, Queen Mary University of London.

Full Unemployment Cinema, Anthony Iles, and Marina Vishmidt. 2012. The Communisation Companion (Pamphlet). Copenhagen.

Vishmidt, Marina, Matthew Fuller, Andy Geoffey, and Benedict Seymour. 2011. Feedback as Cultural Logic (discussion) . Audio recording (mp4). Signal:Noise @ Showroom.

Vishmidt, Marina, Cally Spooner, Mike Sperlinger, Richard Birkett, Vanessa Desclaux. 2009. Single, Plural, Multiple. Short texts on films prepared for screenings at Occasional, December, 11.

Jakobsen, Jakob, Henriette Heise, Marina Vishmidt, Em Hedditch, and Mike Sperlinger. 2006. “Media Landscapes.” Copenhagen Free University 1 (10).

Vishmidt, Marina, Chloe Stewart, Em Hedditch, Caye Castagnetto et al. [mary kelly project]. 2003. mary kelly.